Partnerships Between the State and Society to Provide Social Guarantees
Social development largely depends on people’s satisfaction with the public (municipal) services provided to them. Society’s demand for meeting social needs changes as the economy develops: the structure of needs and dynamics of demand transform, competition intensifies, and qualitative characteristics change. The state does not always have time to respond to such changes and the non-governmental sector is responsible for satisfying social demand during these periods. Interaction between the state and the non-state sector also poses the risk of over-regulation. What should be changed in order to create fair conditions for interaction between the state and the private sector? Will the involvement of non-governmental organizations in providing social services help increase their accessibility and quality? Who is responsible for the quality of the services provided? How can the transition from process funding to social project outcome funding be ensured? Is it possible in Russia for an individual to exercise the right to choose a state (municipal) service provider independently?
Grigory Berezkin,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, ESN Group
Natalya Komarova,
Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District – Yugra
Ewa Konczal,
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Manager, The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA)
Alexey Lavrov,
Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation
Anatoly Pechatnikov,
Deputy President – Chairman of the Management Board, VTB Bank
Natalia Pochinok,
Rector, Russian State Social University
Vladimir Solodov,
Chairman of the Government of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Ilya Torosov,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Andras Horvai,
Country Director, Resident Representative for the Russian Federation, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank Group
Lev Jakobson,
Vice President, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Svetlana Yachevskaya,
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board – Member of the Management Board, State Development Corporation "VEB.RF"
Front row participant
Evgeniya Telitsina,
Founder, Executive Director, Towards Change Foundation