Strategy for Integration of Science, Education, and Business
Integrating science, education, and business can significantly boost economic growth and technological development of an economy. Moreover, such strategic collaboration can provide comprehensive support to innovation, create market for innovative products, and help commercialize scientific solutions. How can effective ways of collaboration for innovation between business, education, and science communities be identified? Which areas are most suitable for integration at the international level? Can current education system ensure that a nation’s strategic development objectives are met? Where does the demand for education come from today? What needs to be done to train highly qualified specialists who can meet the needs of the national and international markets? What skills will be most in demand by businesses in Russia and elsewhere in the future? How can an education model be developed to take into account preferences of an individual while nurturing a new generation of talent for the economy of the future? What are the best international practices that could help develop the education system?
Natalya Popova,
First Deputy General Director, Innopraktika
Elena Bunina,
General Director, Director of Organizational Development and HR Management, Yandex Russia
Samuel Potolicchio,
Director of Global and Custom Education, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Alexander Sergeev,
President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Natalya Tretyak,
First Vice President, Gazprombank
Elena Shmeleva,
Head, Talent and Success Foundation; Member of the Science and Education Council under the President of the Russian Federation
Maurice Antony Ewing,
Professor of Executive Education, Cambridge University
Front row participants
Anas Alfaris,
Vice President for Research Institutes, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
Alexander Auzan,
Dean, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Vladimir Ivanov,
Deputy President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Aleksandr Laryanovskiy,
Business Development Director, Managing Partner, Skyeng
Oxana Tarasenko,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation