Government and Business in the Social Sector: Identifying New Sources of Growth
Involving business in the efforts to achieve government objectives in the social sector can bring numerous benefits ranging from balancing resources and increasing speed and efficiency to facilitating the growth of related industries. Increasing the contribution made by the private sector in this area can be compared to attracting investment to the industry and the economy. To ensure the success of and a constant flow of investment into social projects new forms of collaboration need to be introduced, an effective regulatory framework should be established and a balance struck between individual interests and responsibility. The development of a roadmap for such partnership will lay transparent foundations to implement projects in the social sphere. What can be done to encourage businesses to become involved in long-term social projects, investments, and PPPs? What barriers are currently making it harder to attract private investment in social projects? How can an effective dialogue be established between government and business? Is current state support for investors sufficient?
Alexey Repik,
Chairman, Russian-Japanese Business Council; President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia); Chairman of the Board, Group R-Pharm
Igor Kagramanyan,
First Deputy Chair, Committee on Social Policy, Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Sergey Morozov,
Governor of Ulyanovsk Region
Xavier Rolet,
Chief Executive Officer, CQS; Chairman of the Board of Directors, PhosAgro; Former Chief Executive Officer, London Stock Exchange Group Plc (2009 – 2017)
Sergey Fakhretdinov,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Management Company Ruscompozit
Michail Chachin,
Vice President, Sberbank
Svetlana Chupsheva,
General Director, Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI)
Mikhail Yugay,
General Director, International Medical Cluster Foundation
Front row participants
Irina Potekhina,
Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
Pavel Seleznev,
Chairman, Public-Private Partnership Development Center; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Avtodor-Invest
Victor Sidnev,
Director for Science and Innovation, Institute for Technology Assessment and Development
Anna Shabarova,
Vice President for Human Resources and Social Responsibility, Russian Copper Company