Creation of Regional Ecosystems for the Formation of National Technological Leaders
The technology gap is often declared to be the main enemy of the Russian economy. Bridging technology gap requires addressing a number of issues simultaneously including technological renewal, digital transformation and penetration of new markets, export of products and technologies. These problems cannot be resolved without implementing fundamentally new, comprehensive educational and human capital policies for the next generation of engineers, inventors and technological entrepreneurs, who are the future leaders of technological development of Russia. Simultaneous to new policies businesses and the government should take a proactive stance towards talented young people. What should be done to support the next generation of scientific and technological leaders capable of providing technological breakthroughs in Russia? How can the war for talent be won as it relates to knowledgeable engineers and designers? How can effective conditions be created to apply public sector investment in talent for major technology corporations and industry? What mechanisms of efficient interaction between business and government are available to attracting young generation to high-tech sectors of the economy? Are there any legal barriers to implementing federal and regional innovation projects in the field of human resources policy? How could conditions conducive to effective implementation of new ideas, inventions and projects in Russia be created?
Dmitry Zemtsov,
Head of the National Technology Initiative Working Group for the Development of Supplementary and Non-Formal Education, Kruzhok Movement
Sergey Gil,
Author, Project Ideologist, Career in Russia National Championship of Professions and Entrepreneurial Ideas
Vladimir Knyaginin,
Vice Governor of St. Petersburg
Denis Kravchenko,
Deputy Chairman, Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Andrey Nikitin,
Governor of Novgorod Region
Andrey Platonov,
Deputy Director, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
Dmitry Yalov,
Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad Region Government, Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development and Investment Activity
Front row participants
Elena Aksenova,
Scientific Director of Educational Projects, Foundation for Support of Social Innovations Volnoe Delo
Alexander Kononov,
Deputy Director for Research, Institute of the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kamil Magomedov,
Project Manager, Luminary