Avito is a leading Russian IT company and e-commerce platform. Avito has 70 million monthly users engaged in transactions in the Goods, Auto, Jobs, Services, Real Estate and Ready Business segments. Avito Delivery facilitates secure transactions through 75 thousand partner pick-up point.
Avito brings private sellers and buyers together, being one of the most convenient digital platforms to support SMBs and large companies. Avito hosts over 220 million active items. Users add 2 million new ads daily and make about 10 transactions per second.
The company employs more than 8,000 people, including 1,800 engineers and 317 candidates of science. Avito has implemented more than 1,000 self-developed machine learning models.
Avito’s business model is built on socially oriented user behavior. Avito integrates its own charitable mechanisms and supports 18 foundations and organizations. Avito’s mission is to help everyone improve their own lives and the lives of those around them.
Construction investment holding «Avtoban» is one of the three largest Russian road construction companies and leader in the implementation of PPP projects.
«Avtoban» is a long–term general contractor of the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) and the state company «Avtodor». The key activities of the holding are design, engineering, road construction, road maintenance and investments in public–private partnership projects. More than 8 000 employees of the holding are building roads on the territory of 18 states in 5 federal districts of Russia. The gross volume of contracts is more than 350 bln rubles, the occupied market share is 12%.
The largest implemented projects of the holding are: new construction and reconstruction on the federal highways TSKAD-3, TsKAD-4, M1 «Belarus», M3 «Ukraine», M4 «Don», M5 «Ural», M7 «Volga», M8 «Kholmogory», M11 «Moscow-St. Petersburg», M12 «Vostok». The key current projects are the bypass of Togliatti with a bridge crossing over the Volga, the third stage of the Kazan - Yekaterinburg road on the section Dyurtyuli – Achit, double of Gagarin Avenue in Nizhny Novgorod, M7 "Volga" bypass of 5 settlements.

The Development Foundation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra is a regional specialized organization for attracting investment and investor relations, a “one-stop shop” for businesses on issues of entrepreneurship. The Foundation performs the functions of the state fund for industrial development of Ugra.
Its key areas of activity are the development of public-private partnership, support and development of investments, industry, tourism and agricultural cooperation. It also assists local manufacturers in obtaining the “Organic” and “Halal” certification for organic products.
The Development Foundation of Ugra provides soft loans for the development of industrial and tourism infrastructure at 3% per annum for up to 10 years. As of the year end 2023, the Foundation had an investment portfolio of 105 projects totally worth 113 billion rubles.
In 2023, the Ugra Development Foundation was appointed the management company of the Arctic zone and is now in talks with prospective residents. The Development Foundation of Ugra provides full-service support for investment projects in the Nyagan SEZ and the Unity Park Innovation, Science and Technology Center, acts as a flagship for the development of infrastructure for unmanned aerial systems in Ugra.