Presentations of advanced solutions in the field of "Ecology and climate"
In today’s world, natural resources of a country are considered an indicator of the power of state, and natural capital is becoming increasingly important in its assessment. The economic growth of the territory and its further development depend on how it is used. In order to ensure the rational use of natural capital, it is necessary to create institutional conditions that ensure its accounting and assessment, as well as the introduction of innovative environmental technologies. Leaders of ideas and projects included in the Top-100 of the “Strong Ideas for a New Time” forum 2024, held by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives together with the Roscongress Foundation and the state development corporation VEB.RF, will present solutions that meet environmental challenges. How to preserve and effectively reproduce the natural capital of territories? How to influence climate change? How to effectively reduce the negative impact on the environment? How to prevent catastrophic consequences of this impact?
Andrey Pysin,
Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI)
Front row participants
Zakhar Azarov,
Advisor to the Сhief Executive Officer for Sustainable Development, Severstal
Denis Demin,
Director of the Directorate for Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Development, Gazprom Neft
Vyacheslav Zavalin,
Head of the Department for Development of Territories and Creative Industries of JSC Far East and Arctic Development Corporation
Stepan Kalmykov,
Vice-President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrey Konovalov,
Director of the Territory Development Department, Far East and Arctic Development Corporation
Victoria Lebedeva,
Founder, Profit House
Andrey Naumov,
Head, Troitsk Branch of the P.N. Physical Institute Lebedev RAS; corresponding member, Russian Academy of Scienceses
Julia Neshich,
Maksim Remchukov,
Director for Sustainable Development, SIBUR Holding