Women in Industrial Development: New Horizons
With new challenges, digitalization and automation, new career opportunities are opening up for women in the industrial sector. In recent years, many countries have expanded the range of jobs in which women can work in safe conditions. In Russia, for example, the list of jobs previously closed to women has been reduced by a factor of four, from 456 to 100, and the proportion of women workers in industry is growing by the year, with over 3.8 million women workers in Russia alone. Moreover, active involvement of women in the advance of industrialization, including in managerial positions, contributes to creation of modern, high-tech companies with the best possible conditions for investors. The programmes and resolutions of international organizations and associations, including UNIDO’s core mandate, are aimed at realizing these objectives. What measures are most effective in increasing involvement by women in industrial development? In which areas of industry are women most successful and creating new projects? What initiatives to increase women’s involvement in industrial development can complement the agenda of international organizations, including UNIDO?