Business programme

Profit Through Skills: Investing in Professional Development

16 Jun , 09:00–10:00
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4

Continuing adult education encompasses a broad range of objectives, including enhancing labour productivity, introducing new technologies, and improving citizens' well-being. However, in Russia, only 26.1% of the employed population (25–65 years old) have received advanced and/or vocational training. In Russia, there are many well-paid vacancies, at the same time when many citizens have low wages. The new challenge faced by the country’s labour market is helping citizens acquire additional skills, followed by an increase in a person's real income. To address this issue, Russia is implementing a pilot project called “Let's Earn Together”, which is a new approach to creating a transparent investment market for citizens' careers and improving their well-being through professional growth. Why is it important for Russians to invest in their careers? Why should a country develop an infrastructure for investing in careers? Is it feasible to establish a market for private investment in citizens' careers? What federal regulations need to be implemented? What new instruments can give a boost to citizens' income through professionalism?

Viktoriia Kladieva, Leading Specialist, TASS Press Center

Alexey Agafonov,
Aleksandra Glazkova, Deputy General Director – Director for Organizational Development, Uralchem
Daria Kryachkova, Vice-President of Personnel Policy, Norilsk Nickel
Valery Limarenko, Governor of Sakhalin Region
Maksim Oreshkin, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Olga Semukhina, Deputy General Director for Human Resources, DSK AVTOBAN (online)
Robert Urazov, General Director, Skills and Professions Development Agency
Gennadiy Shcherbina, President, Etalon Group of Companies
