Young Journalism in Russia: How the New Generation Looks Out Into the World and Creates the Information Space

Young Journalism in Russia: How the New Generation Looks Out Into the World and Creates the Information Space

18 Jun, 10:00–11:15

Modern world is unimaginable without the information space. The new, post-industrial society has an incessant need for up-to-date knowledge: news, materials, social media feeds – updates happen every second. In this world, the most important qualities are the ability to make quick decisions and respond immediately to the changing agenda, as well as the ability to find innovative solutions and implement them in work processes. It is not surprising that young people are at the forefront of modern information technology. The growing need for new knowledge about the world around us is being satisfied by the new generation of media. The transformation of journalism that we are seeing today makes a whole range of questions relevant again. What role should the government play in the development of youth information policy? What kind of education does a new generation journalist need? Finally, how do young journalists themselves see the future of the profession and their role in a rapidly changing society?