Obtaining the Education Needed to Organize a Social Business
The regular market models are flawed – this is becoming evident in the new reality. One of the effective business formats of the new time that both the state and large corporations are frequently talking about is social entrepreneurship. Large-scale support measures, benefits, and favourable conditions for the launch of social business are introduced. The activity of social entrepreneurs is aimed at making a profit, but above all they aim to create positive social change. This is an outlet for active people who want to change the world they live in. For obvious reasons, a significant percentage of social entrepreneurs are young people. They are ready to experiment, not afraid to try something different, and are eager to learn new ways. What and where do you study if you want to try social entrepreneurship? What support programmes are out there now? Where do you go if you want to make yourself and your business more socially oriented? What are the successful practices of experienced social entrepreneurs? What competencies will be in demand in the new economic conditions?