Forward, Time! Time, Forward! (exhibition)
This exhibition at the Kirov Museum examines the accelerating pace of life in the 20th century, using the example of life in Leningrad in the 1920s and 1930s (the time of the first five-year plans, rapid urban growth, and the emergence of a new industrial powerhouse. “Forward, time! Time, forward!" is a quote from the play The Bathhouse by Vladimir Mayakovsky. These lines from The March of Time were recited by the characters before heading to the future on board a time train. Setting off from the year 1930, they head to a “commune” (communism) in 2030. Visitors to the exhibition will have the chance to step back 90 years in time and imagine themselves among the people of Leningrad dreaming together of a brighter future through communism. The exhibition’s timeline is broken down into different intervals – from centuries and decades to specific minutes and seconds that a person would experience in the accelerating pace of life in the 20th century.
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