Improving Quality of Life in Cities: Investments in the Urban Environment and Infrastructure
The integrated development of the urban space to improve quality of life indicators is possible when we take an interdisciplinary approach and involve all stakeholders, including residents, experts, the authorities and business. Such an approach requires a master plan comprising a spatial and economic planning document. Master plans are created based on the Integrated Territorial Development Standard, which describes the key parameters and characteristics of an urban space concept. Master plans include a comprehensive analysis, goal-setting, the identification of development projects and sources of funding, the elaboration of road maps for their implementation, the forecasting of economic impacts, and descriptions of management procedures. The natural goal of urban planning is the integrated development of urban space through the implementation of related infrastructure projects. The standard of living in cities is measured by economic indicators, which are impacted by economic efficiency including in relation to public projects. Infrastructure bonds are a unique source of extra-budgetary funding for a country, combining state support measures and bank lending. This allows us to accelerate the pace of housing construction and increase the volume of completed housing projects in the regions. How can we increase the variety and effectiveness of economic instruments deployed to support urban development projects and improve the quality of life in cities with the participation of federal and regional authorities, development institutions and business?