Developing the Talent Economy: National Innovation Ecosystems and International Cooperation

Developing the Talent Economy: National Innovation Ecosystems and International Cooperation

16 Jun, 12:00–13:00

In today's world, a significant shift is occurring as we transition from a knowledge-based economy to a talent-driven economy. This transformation plays a pivotal role in propelling the advancement of national economies. To foster a thriving talent economy, it is crucial to establish innovative scientific and technological ecosystems, along with national frameworks for identifying and nurturing talent. Additionally, fostering international collaboration in this domain is essential for sustained progress and success. How do talent identification and support systems contribute to the development of national economies and address global challenges? The implementation of international scientific and educational projects, the engagement of talented youth in the economic integration processes of partner countries, the convergence of national talent identification and support systems, including the joint development of the Olympiad movement, the implementation of international educational programmes, the cross-border involvement of industrial companies in scientific and educational projects, the replication of exemplary educational models, and the creation of an international network of strong partner schools are of paramount importance. What are the strategic objectives and effective tools for successfully implementing international science and education projects? Infrastructural projects focused on establishing state-of-the-art multicultural university campuses and creating open environments for collaborative innovative entrepreneurship, among other initiatives, are pivotal in fostering international engagement and fostering mutual understanding among talented youth. These endeavours ultimately contribute to the advancement of a thriving talent economy and the provision of high-quality living and educational environments for gifted individuals in partner nations. Emphasizing the need for new guidelines in the development of regions and innovation ecosystems, including the integration of carbon neutrality principles, is of paramount importance. What role does the concept of the Talent Economy play in shaping a conducive urban environment and facilitating the implementation of expansive infrastructure projects?
