Renewable Energy: Low Electricity Prices or Technological Sovereignty?

Renewable Energy: Low Electricity Prices or Technological Sovereignty?

15 Jun, 17:00–18:15

The market for green technologies, which are the cornerstone of the energy transition that is taking place before our very eyes, will more than triple by 2030 to USD 650 billion. Which countries will be creating technologies and manufacturing equipment, and which countries will be buying them? What is needed to further reduce production costs in Russia? The first stage of support for renewable energy in Russia has been completed, and all new solar and wind farms will be built with a flat rate return on investment for the amount of electricity they generate. The situation in the industry in 2022 showed the need for and importance of implementing import substitution plans in Russia’s power engineering industry. In addition, the expansion of mandatory requirements for localization as part of the RES support programme means there needs to be a progressive increase in significant investments in the creation and development of both the primary and related high-tech industrial production of green energy. What is needed to achieve technological sovereignty and stabilize prices for domestic equipment? What industries need to be created to reduce dependence on commodity markets? Government representatives, leading manufacturers of electrical equipment, and major electricity consumers will discuss answers to these and other questions.
