Made in Russia: A Mark of Quality on the World Map!

Made in Russia: A Mark of Quality on the World Map!

16 Jun, 12:00–13:00

Russia's brand in the context of geopolitical challenges has acquired a new connotation. Russia is now seen as a defender of the multipolar world and a promoter of development. It is regarded as a guardian of traditional values, with a rich cultural heritage and vast scientific potential. Now Russia faces the task of bolstering its positive global presence and fostering social cohesion. To achieve this, coordinated efforts by all actors and effective instruments to advance the country's interests are essential. Drawing upon the accumulated experience gained from the development of the Made in Russia brand and leveraging a powerful communication infrastructure for engaging both Russian and international audiences, a national programme will enable synergistic collaboration among partners. It will also help to establish a unified platform to promote Russia's interests, including its business, culture, science, and ideas. Why does a state need a strong brand and how can it enhance a country's standing? How does Russia perceive its own identity? How is the Russia national brand interconnected with the Made in Russia brand? How can we leverage the accumulated expertise and the existing infrastructure of the Made in Russia brand? How is the country's brand perceived both domestically and internationally? Why is it crucial to have a strong country brand in the pursuit of technological independence and global leadership? How does the geography of exports align with the recognition of the Made in Russia brand? What does international experience indicate? Which projects, services, media content, and other solutions can be integrated into the Made in Russia ecosystem?
