People’s Diplomacy: A Dialogue of Leaders

People’s Diplomacy: A Dialogue of Leaders

17 Jun, 10:00–11:15

A new multipolar world is emerging today as a world of common unity, at the core of which are people upholding unshakable spiritual and moral values common to all humankind. Bridges of understanding and trust can be more easily built using the language of people’s diplomacy and relying on deep roots and national traditions. It is people’s diplomacy that is called upon to humanize international relations: the multi-faceted interaction between civil societies and cultures lies at the core of diplomatic relations and friendship between peoples. People’s diplomacy requires common international efforts to bring together modern leaders, experts, representatives of the business community and the cultural and humanitarian sphere, and all those who care about the fate of the world. In this vein, ever more attention is being paid to youth diplomacy which, in the context of the formation of a new world order, is fundamental to our future. Right now, it is vital that we identify the correct approach to cooperation, based on common meanings and values. A solid foundation for building the future together is possible if we strengthen international youth cooperation, support youth initiatives and create reliable communications.
