Industry 4.0: An Evolving Social Contract for Economies Under Rapid Change

Industry 4.0: An Evolving Social Contract for Economies Under Rapid Change

2 June, 10:15–11:30

Industrial automation is forecast to entail the loss of approximately 40% of jobs over the next 20 years; the first to be abolished will be low-paying jobs in the production sector. Meanwhile, competitive pressure will not allow business leaders to ignore the benefits of digitalization and automation. What decisions should be made to prepare for the coming revolutionary transformations on the labour market? What steps should be taken to prevent aggravation of income inequality? How is the labour market employment structure going to change? Will self-employment solve the employment problem?


Key moments

Only countries that choose an effective model that is attractive from the workers’ point of view will be able to compete for the most valuable asset of the future market – people, their abilities to act creatively and quickly respond to all technological changes.
Olga Golodets
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
For the labour market today, such elements as correlation of working hours and break times are becoming increasingly important. This is becoming an extrinsic value for people.
Olga Golodets
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
There are two major changes in the labour market worldwide: flexibility and automation.
Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty
Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa, Uber Technologies Inc.
The core value today is time. And we have to adapt to this imperative of our time.
Sergey Kogogin
Director General, KAMAZ
Only expensive manpower results in changes including robotisation and new technologies. If we plan to move forward, we must understand that manpower is the most expensive thing we’ve got.
Maxim Topilin
Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
If you develop a strong personnel training system that works faster than any other in the world, you get a clear competitive advantage when human capital becomes critical.
Robert Urazov
General Director, WorldSkills Russia, Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Skilled Workers
In order to succeed in building strong economy you have to support regulatory stability and certainty and to have as less regulation as possible.
Ayelet Shaked
Minister of Justice of Israel
The people who will thrive in the world going forward are the ones who can learn and re-learn fast.
Jean-Franсois Manzoni
President, Institute for Management Development (IMD); Professor, Nestlé