Reset or Overload? Rethinking Multilateralism among the Ruins of Globalization: A Business Perspective

Reset or Overload? Rethinking Multilateralism among the Ruins of Globalization: A Business Perspective

04 Jun, 12:00–13:15

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility of the world order that has prevailed for the past 30 years. Contrary to expectations, it demonstrated that under the current model of global governance, differences that have accumulated over the years between various nations are becoming increasingly hard to overcome, even in times of global crisis. Today, business and politics are closely intertwined, and political decisions have by their very nature had a major bearing on the business sector. The business community is keen to see clear and effective measures put in place to facilitate multilateral agreements on key policies, including the climate, digitalization, and sustainable development. Can the current model of global governance be adapted to meet today’s challenges? What are the main fault lines disrupting the multilateral approach to addressing current issues, and why is an effective system for taking globally important decisions vital for the business sector? What is the risk of global governance systems fragmenting in the future? What decisions by multilateral international institutions aimed at spurring economic recovery should the business sector expect to be enacted following the period of lockdown? What support can the business sector offer to make multilateral cooperation more effective, and what is the business sector’s perspective on how a new, more effective global governance system might evolve?
