Russia’s Demographics: Increasing the Birth Rate in Russia: Solutions and Prospects

Russia’s Demographics: Increasing the Birth Rate in Russia: Solutions and Prospects

03 Jun, 17:00–18:15

In his address to the Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country’s top priority was to take care of the Russian people. The government’s policy to improve the demographic situation in the country should focus on increasing the birth rate. Key aspects of this goal include programmes to strengthen social guarantees and protect mothers and children by adopting measures to provide social and direct financial support to young mothers and families with children. These strategies are predicated on a wide range of goals to prevent risks associated with reproductive disorders, create a health-friendly environment, and raise awareness to promote a healthy lifestyle and responsible parenting. Despite the challenges to the government’s demographic policy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the strategic goal remains the same: to once again ensure sustainable population growth and achieve average life expectancy of 78 years in Russia by 2030. What socioeconomic aspects can help motivate procreation? What new models of healthcare should support reproductive health and the health of mothers and children? How can we defeat the ‘male infertility pandemic’? What state policy measures are needed to create a preventive system to support a family’s reproductive health? What socioeconomic measures to support parents and children can spur Russia’s demographic development? How can we motivate society, and the younger generation in particular, to lead a healthy lifestyle and become responsible parents?