Towards a Sustainable Future: A Green Alternative to Traditional Fuel

Towards a Sustainable Future: A Green Alternative to Traditional Fuel

17 Jun, 12:00–13:15

Russia declares its commitment to the principles of sustainable development, the key of which is responsible attitude towards nature. For a country with the largest natural gas reserves, a developed gas transmission system, its own technological solutions, a supportive gas filling network – and considering the investments allocated for the gasification of regions – natural gas is the most effective solution during the energy transition to green energy resources. Using methane, greenhouse gas emissions are 1.7 times lower than those of diesel fuel and half as low as those of gasoline, considering the entire life cycle of fuels, from production to consumption. The current international environment poses new challenges to the Russian economy associated with the restructuring of production and logistics chains, simplification of regulatory requirements for market participants, production localization of certain components for both natural gas vehicles and refueling infrastructure. What role does methane play in decarbonizing transport and improving urban air quality? What are the key outcomes and development directions for the NGV fuel market in Russia? What measures of state support does the NGV industry rely on? What are the prospects for using natural gas in railway transport and agricultural machinery? What advantages does methane have over alternative fuels? Is it possible to improve the ESG performance of a modern company with the help of NGV fuel?