The Wine Industry: A Scientific Renaissance

The Wine Industry: A Scientific Renaissance

16 Jun, 17:00–18:15

To ensure Russia’s food security today, it is crucial to not only increase the production of agricultural products domestically, but to also create closed technological food production cycles that are based on new highly efficient domestic agricultural and microbiological technologies and are also fully independent of the import of raw materials, fertilizers, and seed material, among other things. This problem can only be solved by introducing the results of scientific research and development into production. Russia has always been a leader in developing a systematic scientific approach in agriculture and industrial biotechnology. Modern viticulture and winemaking very clearly demonstrates the importance of applying a scientific approach. What is the history of viticulture science in Russia? What exactly provides a scientific approach to viticulture and winemaking? What modern scientific and technological approaches and methods are needed, and what special role do genetic technologies play? Should indigenous grape varieties be a priority for development?