Women in BRICS Economy: Roles, Meanings, Source of Growth

Women in BRICS Economy: Roles, Meanings, Source of Growth

18 Jun, 12:00–13:15

In recent years, the BRICS' comprehensive multi-year development strategies have paid particular attention to initiatives aimed at overcoming barriers to women's participation in the economy. As a rule, these initiatives are aimed at increasing access to education, professional development, digital technologies, and finance opportunities. Additionally, such initiatives support entrepreneurship, innovations and start-ups, as well as promote women's leadership in business. It is common for women globally to play an important role in services, agriculture, to act as cross-border traders in manufacturing industries, producers, and entrepreneurs. However, women are much less integrated into international trade. In the current challenging environment, the BRICS collective commitment to women's economic empowerment and women’s role in international trade, including through ongoing information support, is more necessary than ever. What are the state and private business initiatives being implemented in the BRICS countries to increase women's participation in economic life and what are their results? What are the BRICS women entrepreneurs' experiences and new opportunities for cooperation? What factors hinder the expansion of trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS countries and how can they be overcome? How to increase the economic activity of women in the BRICS countries?