National Green Standard: From Words to Deeds

National Green Standard: From Words to Deeds

17 Jun, 10:00–11:15

Today, the implementation of green principles at the corporate level is a full-fledged commitment by big business, which affects both company’s management system and long-term strategy. The reduction of harmful environmental impact and the responsible attitude of business toward society represent the sustainability of a company. The government, in turn, also takes an active stance on environmental safety and sustainable development: in 2021 the law “On limiting greenhouse gas emissions” was passed. The law introduces the concept of a climate project and establishes the principles of regulation in this area. Furthermore, a taxonomy of green and transition projects was approved, which aims to transition Russian enterprises to more environmentally friendly production. In addition, the government has announced that it is working to create a national green standard, similar to international practice, in addition to the adopted projects. What does the green agenda look like today? Is there a need to create a national green standard? What will the auditor-regulator in a one-stop-shop format look like in matters of green standards? How do modern technologies help to develop production and at the same time reduce the burden on the environment? Criteria for green standard compliance: best practices today?