Medicine as a Flagship of Scientific Advancement

Medicine as a Flagship of Scientific Advancement

17 Jun, 12:00–13:15

In the new reality technological sovereignty in such strategically important areas as biotechnology, genetics, neurotechnology, digitalization of healthcare, development of artificial intelligence, manufacturing of vaccines and other medical products becomes particularly important. Today, medical science prioritizes the introduction of personalized biomedical technologies, the implementation of state support measures, and the attraction of young professionals to science. Russia has adopted a number of programmes aimed at the development of scientific and technological potential, in particular Priority-2030, aimed to facilitate research at the universities, and Medical Science for People, designed to create technology transfer to practical health care. Most programmes imply cooperation between science and business, as well as the creation of new start-ups around universities and research centres. How can domestic science respond to these challenges? How relevant is the path of innovative import substitution and when will new approaches replace the technologies we are used to? How to build a technology transfer from science to business? Will there be a priority for accelerated registration of domestic developments? What tools are expected to support the development of medicines and medical technologies? When will innovations in medicine in practice be available to a wide range of Russians?