Fiscal and Tax Policy. The New Reality: Challenges and Opportunities

Fiscal and Tax Policy. The New Reality: Challenges and Opportunities

17 Jun, 12:00–13:15

In 2022, Russian economy faces the most serious challenges in its history. Unprecedented sanctions and economic pressures are exacerbated by the consequences of the anti-COVID restrictions that have destroyed existing economic ties and supply chains, as well as by the growing threat of the global economic crisis. How can the country's economy be protected from external shocks? Is it possible to effectively fulfill the social obligations of the state to the fullest, while ensuring the competitiveness of the economy, its recovery and transition to sustainable growth? The solution to these problems requires a fundamental transformation of the entire economic model. How should fiscal and taxation policies change? How should we build inter-budgetary relations under the new conditions in order to support the country's regions? How to find a balance between stimulating business and the need to increase spending on social support?