Science Tourism: An Impetus for Solving Current Problems of Society and Science
The Decade of Science and Technology brought forth an initiative that aims to attract young people to the field and help resolve various regional social issues: it is called ‘science tourism’. What does it actually mean? What is the development plan for this initiative? How will the dialogue between science, business, government, and society be built in the field of science tourism? How are routes, interactive maps, guidebooks, and other elements coming along? Are there plans to set aside special areas for science tourism? How can one become a ‘science guide’ and a ‘science tourist’? The traditional cooperation of young scientists in Eurasia is driven by geographical, historic, economic, political, and cultural factors. How does interaction develop today within various associations, such as the Union State, the CIS, and EAEU? Which joint projects, programmes and contests are happening? How is the international exchange going?
Ivan Smirnov,
First Deputy Director for Educational Work, St. Basil the Great Gymnasium
Alexey Volkov,
President, National Hospitality Industry Union
Elena Lysenkova,
Deputy Head, Federal Agency for Tourism
Nikita Marchenkov,
Chairperson, Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education
Andrey Pashtetsky,
Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Activities, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
Damir Fattakhov,
Deputy Head, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
Andrey Cheremisinov,
Director of Communications Department, State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom