
Continuing the Legacy of Industrial Cities Through the Distinctive Atmosphere of Contemporary Public Spaces

03 Jun , 15:00–16:15
Delivering on National Development Targets
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
In partnership with Management Company Metalloinvest

The gradual process of transforming the urban environment, which began in major and regional-level cities, has developed over time to encompass industrial and smaller conurbations. The regeneration of public spaces not only changes a city’s image and reception among its citizens, but also drives improvements in quality of life, the development of SMEs and the arrival of new urban services, while helping to reduce population flight. Such conditions generate further opportunities for industrial cities, allowing them to attract the attention of tourists who are better able to access a unique site of industrial heritage and learn the cultural traditions of the region itself. What role can main employers in one-company cities play in these processes? What principles should the development of the urban environment in industrial cities be based on?

Sergey Kapkov, Head of the Centre for Culture Economy, Urban Development and Creative Industries Research, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dmitry Peskov, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on Digital and Technological Development
Alisa Prudnikova, Commissioner, Ural Industrial Bienniale of Contemporary Art
Roman Starovoyt, Governor of Kursk Region
Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Pavel Shilyaev, Chief Executive Officer, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
Nazim Efendiev, Chief Executive Officer, Management Company METALLOINVEST
