Opening Ceremony of the 41st World Amateur Go Championship St. Petersburg–Vladivostok videoconference presentation
The 41st World Amateur Go Championship will take place on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok from 3 to 9 June 2021. For the first time in 40 years the Championship will take place outside Southeast Asia. National champions of 57 countries and territories will come together in the capital of the Russian Far East. The game of Go is the language of Asian political and business elites. Go stratagems teach to play at the crossroads and to take up vast spaces. Far East and the Arctic are a crossroad for a big game, where there is an opportunity to compete for power and wealth. To do that, business and politics need a new strategy. The 41st World Amateur Go Champion made Russia a member of the club of Go-hosting countries. The game of Go is becoming Russia’s soft power in Asia.