The governments of Russia and Azerbaijan have set their sights on further strengthening the close partnership currently enjoyed by the two countries. A number of initiatives are already being implemented: a joint action plan to boost cooperation in the agricultural industry, a partnership programme in tourism, and an action plan for the North–South international transport corridor. Steps are also being drawn up to increase the number of mutual transactions in national currencies. What can be done to improve implementation mechanisms for major infrastructure projects in both countries? What problems are being faced by Russian and Azeri investors? What opportunities are starting to appear for small and medium-sized enterprises in the two countries? What are financial organizations and development institutions willing to offer businesses?
Alexey Repik,
Chairman, Russian-Japanese Business Council; President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia); Chairman of the Board, Group R-Pharm
Yusif Abdullayev,
President, Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO)
Alexander Braverman,
General Director, Chairman of the Board, Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation
Samad Gurbanov,
Chairman, Azerbaijan-Russia Business Council
Orhan Mamedov,
Chairman of the Board, Agency for Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Shahin Mustafayev,
Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Maxim Oreshkin,
Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation