The Challenges and Prospects of Youth Entrepreneurship
Youth entrepreneurship draws a lot of attention today. Employment of middle and more senior youth in sectors affecting human capital development is decreasing. The young generation is seeking to develop new competencies and is able to adapt quickly to the changing environment. What are the best practices for boosting youth entrepreneurship worldwide? What should be the youth economic agenda? What work needs to be done with young people to boost their economic activity? What are the challenges particular to involving young people in small and medium-sized business?
Victor Sedov,
Co-Founder, G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit
Milena Arslanova,
Director, Investment Policy and Entrepreneurship Development Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Alexander Bugaev,
Head, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
Vladislav Davankov,
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Russia – the Land of Opportunities
Boris Titov,
Presidential Commissioner of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights
Afshan Khan,
Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Andrey Sharov,
Vice-President, Head of GR Directorate, Sberbank
Front row participants
Sergey Brykov,
Director, Business Broke
Sayan Galsandorzhiyev,
Founder, Generation of Leaders International Business School for Children
Pavel Lenets,
Director, Sapphire
Muslim Muslimov,
Founder, Klinika No. 1 Medical Centre Network
Maxim Nikitinsky,
Founder, Delo Business Cluster