In this session we plan to discuss the advantages of individual jurisdictions/states for conducting particular types of business in IT (sample topics: India – a Mecca for outsourcing, or maybe not? Russia prides itself on its engineers and programmers, who are capable of tackling complex projects – or is this now just a fading legacy of the past? Are tax regimes that incentivise the creation of new intellectual property a serious stimulus for the work of IT companies in these countries? The Russian internet market is number 1 in Europe and has great potential for growth: how important an opportunity is this for international business? What is the place of Russia and what are its prospects in the global distribution of work in the IT industry?)
Mark Shmulevich ,
Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
Sergey Beloussov ,
Chief Executive Officer, Acronis
Mohammad Gawdat ,
Vice President of Emerging Markets for SEEMEA, Google
Dmitry Grishin ,
General Director, Mail.ru Group
Marthin De Beer ,
Senior Vice President, Video and Collaboration Group, Cisco
Arkady Dobkin ,
Chief Executive Officer, President, EPAM Systems
Taso Du Val ,
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Toptal LLC
Robert Farish ,
Vice President, Regional Managing Director for Russia and CIS, International Data Corporation