The question of how to create a more effective healthcare system remains a pressing issue for all sectors of Russian society. As with most developed countries solutions lay in achieving the correct mix of public-private involvement and incentives. Which models of public-private cooperation should Russia look to? How can barriers (whether economic or related to clinical care) be addressed in the first instances? How can greater interaction be encouraged between consumers and providers of medical services lead to a more efficient healthcare system?
Panos Kanavos ,
Reader in International Health Policy in the Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics (LSE) and Programme Director of the Medical Technology Research Group (MTRG) at LSE Health
Michael Warmuth ,
Executive Vice-President, Established Pharmaceuticals Division, Abbott Laboratories
Alexey Repik ,
President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Mark Kurtser ,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, MD Medical Group Investments
Simon Matskeplishvili ,
Chairman of the Echocardiography Section, Russian Society of Cardiology; Chief Scientific Researcher, Bakulev Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Mark Mallon ,
Executive Vice-President for International Markets, AstraZeneca
Vladimir Nazarov ,
Head of Budget Policy Department, Gaidar Institute
Vikram Singh Punia ,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pharmasyntez JSC
Veronika Skvortsova ,
Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Paul Stoffels ,
Worldwide Chairman Pharmaceuticals, Chief Research Officer, Johnson & Johnson; Member of Executive Committee, Johnson & Johnson
Patrick Flochel ,
Global Pharmaceutical Leader, Ernst & Young
Vladimir Shipkov ,
Executive Director, Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM)
David Epstein ,
Division Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Member of the Executive Committee, Novartis