Big Challenges and New Partnerships: How to Unite Science and Society
The year 2021 is officially the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. A national social survey held at the start of the year identified a number of paradoxes in the social perception of a scientist and research activity. On the one hand, the Russian public is poorly informed of the latest scientific developments and priorities. Many struggle to name modern Russian researchers, giving priority to the names of Soviet scientists. In their eyes, science stopped with the Soviet Union and nothing new has been done since then, with the most impressive modern ‘scientist’ being Elon Musk. On the other hand, over 60% of parents would be happy if their children decided to go into research and development, and every tenth student is planning for a future in science. These contradictions have arisen during a complex demographic situation, where various sectors of the Russian economy – science, education, and even medicine, manufacturing, the service industry, and others – are forced to compete for highly skilled workers. How can the hopes of young people entering the research sector be made a reality? What is the best way to present science and the results thereof to a wider audience with differing levels of knowledge and experience? Can the launch of new, large-scale scientific initiatives and projects transform the public perception of science and further motivate young people?
Andrey Fursenko,
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Sultana Afdhal,
Chief Executive Officer, World Health Innovation Summit (WISH)
Elena Bunina,
General Director, HR Director, Yandex Russia
Alexander Dynkin,
President, the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences
Mikhail Kovalchuk,
President, National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’
Dmitry Konov,
Chairman of the Management Board, SIBUR Holding
Elena Pronicheva,
Director General, The Polytechnic Museum
Valery Falkov,
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Front row participants
Kirill Babaev,
Deputy Director, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES RAS)
Andrey Baykov,
Vice Rector for Research and International Cooperation, MGIMO University
Alexander Veraksa,
Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the Field of Science and Innovation for Young Scientists; Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Maxim Dreval,
General Director, Russian "Znanie" Society
Elena Eremenko,
Head of Moscow Office, Helmholtz Association
Maxim Nikitin,
Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the Field of Science and Innovation for Young Scientists; Head of the Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology, The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Alex Fedorov,
Chief Strategy Officer, QAPP; Junior Principal Investigator of the "Quantum Information Technologies" Group, Russian quantum center